 MM,dMMb.  `7M'   `MF'     ,pW"Wq.  `7M'    ,A    `MF' .gP"Ya  `7MMpMMMb.              ,p6"bo   ,pW"Wq.  `7MMpMMMb.pMMMb.  
 MM    `Mb   VA   ,V      6W'   `Wb   VA   ,VAA   ,V  ,M'   Yb   MM    MM             6M'  OO  6W'   `Wb   MM    MM    MM  
 MM     M8    VA ,V       8M     M8    VA ,V  VA ,V   8M""""""   MM    MM             8M       8M     M8   MM    MM    MM  
 MM.   ,M9     VVV        YA.   ,A9     VVV    VVV    YM.    ,   MM    MM      ,,     YM.    , YA.   ,A9   MM    MM    MM  
 P^YbmdP'      ,V          `Ybmd9'       W      W      `Mbmmd' .JMML  JMML.    db      YMbmd'   `Ybmd9'  .JMML  JMML  JMML.

Visual A.I. Researcher @ IBM Research AI

Carbon Labs Chat Initiative lead

Holographic Data Sculptor

Brooklyn, NY | first.last @ gmail.com | Youtube | Resume

As seen in: TIME Vox Vice WIRED The Guardian World Economic Forum The Verge The Creators Project Polygon Engadget Fast Company The Atlantic

NEWS: The Carbon Labs Chat has been fully integrated into IBM Cloud / Presented Carbon Labs to the worldwide Research chief Dario Gil. / AI Model explorer and editor will be demoed at NeurIPS 2021 / AIMEE was demoed at ICML / AI Portraits is now online, create your own Renaissance era portraits with GANs / Webverse and Forma Fluens showing for 5 months at the 123 Data exhibition in Paris / Presented the Neural Net Visualizer at THINK 2018 in Las Vegas / Forma Fluens won an Honorable mention at the IIB awards in the Unusual category. / Forma Fluens shown to the IEEE Vis 2017 Arts Program in Phoenix, AZ. / Reddit - Wikiverse on the front page / Webverse commissioned for Archive.org's 20th anniversary celebration / The Globe of economic complexity is in a book: Best American Infographics 2016 / The Globe of economic complexity made the shortlist for the infomation is beautiful awards / The paper I co-authored 'Visualizing the scale of World economies' in the top 5 at IEEE Vis

`7Mb,od8  .gP"Ya  ,pP"Ybd  .gP"Ya   ,6"Yb.  `7Mb,od8  ,p6"bo    MMpMMMb.  
  MM' "' ,M'   Yb 8I   `" ,M'   Yb 8)   MM    MM' "' 6M'  OO    MM    MM  
  MM     8M"""""" `YMMMa. 8M""""""  ,pm9MM    MM     8M         MM    MM  
  MM     YM.    , L.   I8 YM.    , 8M   MM    MM     YM.    ,   MM    MM  
.JMML.    `Mbmmd' M9mmmP'  `Mbmmd' `Moo9^Yo..JMML.    YMbmd'  .JMML  JMML.


Artificial intelligence is as potent an innovation as the internet or nuclear power. This poses an incredible existential threat to humanity if misused. Everyone in our field has a moral obligation to take responsibility for what we unleash on this planet.

Diagnostic and rectification tooling is paramount to align future models with our values and fight biases, hate speech, breaches of privacy, weaponization and energy wastage.


Great research should be shared and open, but also ferociously advocated for and streamlined into core product offerings. As model and content complexity increases, the demand for novel and niche componentry does so too, such as: Charts, fully editable code, Math formulas, Molecular diagrams...

I lead an initiative to provide a universally accessible, fully-expandable open source library to plug in any chosen AI service, display rich content and test out novel componentry.

We also need ways to understand model behavior with highly specific feedback systems.


Carbon Design System Contribution Page

Carbon Labs Github

NPM installation link

NPM Stats - 15k downloads


Knowgl: Knowledge generation and linking from text

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (13), 2023

AIMEE: An Exploratory Study of How Rules Support AI Developers to Explain and Edit Models

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CSCW2), 2023

Conversational GUI for Semantic Automation Layer

ISWC (Posters/Demos/Industry), 2023

AutoDOViz: Human-Centered Automation for Decision Optimization

Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User…, 2023

AIMEE: Interactive model maintenance with rule-based surrogates

NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track, 288-291, 2022

Building trust in interactive machine learning via user contributed interpretable rules

Proceedings of the 27th international conference on intelligent user…, 2022

Visualizing the scale of world economies

VisWeek 2015 Electronic Conference Proceedings-Poster, 2015



     `7MM             mm                                     mm    
       MM             MM                                     MM    
  ,M""bMM   ,6"Yb.  mmMMmm   ,6"Yb.       ,6"Yb.  `7Mb,od8 mmMMmm  
,AP    MM  8)   MM    MM    8)   MM      8)   MM    MM' "'   MM    
8MI    MM   ,pm9MM    MM     ,pm9MM       ,pm9MM    MM       MM    
`Mb    MM  8M   MM    MM    8M   MM      8M   MM    MM       MM    
 `Wbmd"MML.`Moo9^Yo.  `Mbmo `Moo9^Yo.    `Moo9^Yo..JMML.     `Mbmo 


Having a primarily visual memory and trouble feeling misunderstood, my aim is to convey how I see the world and data.

I hope to achieve this through a novel holographic medium, bridging the digital and the real.

Nothing is for sale, purely for fun. I only support non-profit open organisations I believe in such as: Wikimedia, the Internet Archive and the Alzheimers Neuro-imaging initiative.

Above all, I wish to return the same sense of beauty, curiosity and wonderment 9 year old Owen felt walking into the Dali museum in Barcelona.